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Design for Non-Designers
Color Theory
Color Wheels + Color Palette (17:22)
CMYK (1:28)
Printing Methods (3:44)
Pantone (5:55)
RGB (2:32)
Hex Codes (1:09)
Printing in RGB + Conclusion (2:34)
Fonts and Typefaces (2:58)
How are they different? (1:11)
Lettering (10:51)
Type Anatomy (7:20)
Formatting (13:47)
Licensing (6:30)
Brand Sans (2:24)
Raster Files (5:56)
Vector Files (6:42)
Resolution (4:18)
File Formats: Raster Files (7:27)
File Formats: Vector Files (1:56)
File Formats: Program Files (6:55)
Spotting Fakes (8:37)
Image Licensing (8:58)
Photo Editing (8:22)
Desktop Publishing (8:54)
Branding + Vectors (3:36)
Presentation Design (5:45)
Infographics (2:25)
Video (2:34)
Hybrids (5:01)
Designing for the Web
How the Internet Works (3:13)
How Websites Work (1:28)
Domains (10:15)
Hosting (2:08)
Designing for Web - Web Speed (4:23)
Designing for Web – Images (2:59)
Designing for Web - ALT Text (5:26)
CMS Platforms (5:44)
Wireframing (0:56)
UX (3:34)
Dark Patterns (4:10)
SEO (6:46)
Responsive Design (2:26)
Bonus!!! (0:33)
What is a Brand? (3:27)
Types of Brand Marks (10:22)
Brand Strategy (2:55)
Brand Cohesion (2:09)
Designing an Identity (9:43)
Process (1:15)
How to Critique (9:05)
Touchpoints (8:06)
Assets and Brand Guidelines (6:06)
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